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#26,454 of 87,808 users
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p3wt (3)
Great seller. Great communication and smooth transaction. Very helpful and I would love to work again with!
ajm was the Seller on July 19, 2005 Other/Unknown
Great seller. Great communication and smooth transaction. Very helpful and I would love to work again with!
July 19, 2005
DaMaN (405)
Mac pliers
ajm was the Seller on October 4, 2009 Other/Unknown
I purchased some Mac pliers from ajm on The Garage Journal Forums. He was a pro, he shipped quickly, packaged them well and the Mac pliers were better than I thought.
October 5, 2009
daemonfly (4)
watercooling setup (bix 2, DD mag, & maze4)
ajm was the Seller on November 12, 2006 Overclockers.com
Great communication, and packaged well against the trials of the UPS demons.
November 13, 2006